The movie begins with Emile Hirsch as Speed, racing around a dazzling display of lights and dodging cars left, right, up, down...well...pretty much any way you can dodge a fast moving vehicle.
The films greatest strength is also its greatest weakness - editing. The quick cutting between takes can get you really excited about a racing scene, but it can also drive you up wall. That said, I felt the racing scenes were spectacular. The color and VFX were quite unlike anything I had ever seen before, but at the same time, I wish there had been a little less going on in front of me. I kept wanting to push all of the extra stuff out of the way so I could just see what was going on in the background!
To the credit of the Wachowski's, they pretty much through the rule book out on this one. This movie was undeniably insane, and yes, people did walk out after the film saying "that was really unrealistic." Yet, I'm pretty sure that they wanted it that way. Yeah it's unrealistic, and they knew it, so they went way overboard! For that, I applaud them.
Sometimes unrealism in a film can really drive me crazy, but not this one. This one was crazy enough already.
Go see Speed Racer, at IMAX. Go Go.
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