Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The New FFS

Just a short post today...mainly about Flashpoint Film Society (FFS)

This is the new FFS Logo - created by my very talented roommate, who does the graphic designs for With the society returning from hiatus, we aim to make a change at the turn of the new year. FFS hopes to start showing student films. We recently had the opportunity to sit down and enjoy a film called "White Out" which came to our attention through a student at Flashpoint.

The Society has focused on showing several films that are, for the most part, pretty well known. Films like "Ghostbusters" and "Pulp Fiction". I don't think we will turn away from this method, but we may also include a more independent film setting in the near future. Perhaps showing some lesser known films will interest more viewers.

Now, as we are in the holiday season, I feel like I should start my Christmas shopping.

More during the holidays,


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