Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Here We Go...

Well here I am sitting in front of my computer, and no idea what I should write about... I do have pictures of the Flashpoint classroom facility nearing completion, so I figure i'll just post a few of those for you to look at.

Within the next week I am hoping to have some of my own photos of the classroom facility, since these are from the fine people over at Flashpoint. If you want to see the rest of the pics, just head over to flashpoint academy's website, located in the links section.

I suppose it is a little awkward returning to school, although I'm really only saying that. I haven't felt any affects of hitting the books again. Perhaps this will change over the course of the next week.
Along with preparing supplies for school and gearing up for orientation on Monday, I am hoping to get a few short film ideas out in the open. I just have to make sure they are presentable first, since most of my ideas are so unorganized at the moment.

Although, since this school is going to be a collaborative effort, perhaps a few other students wouldn't mind bouncing some ideas around the table.

Here comes the fast track.

Let the filming begin


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