Friday, November 16, 2007


He is Beowulf, and he is very angry.

Tonight was the Film Society's long awaited IMAX premiere of Beowulf in 3D. If you see this film, it is imparative that you see it in IMAX 3D, since it added greatly to the entertainment value. There's nothing quite like putting your hands to your eyes to shield from flying arrows...or was it because the 3D glasses were too damn big for my face?

There hasn't been too much posting going on lately, and that is because of pre-production on my film. I will likely give you an update later this weekend or maybe next week and show off some location pictures and props.

In other news, here are a few pictures of working with the crane and another hi-def camera. After spending some time on the dolly and operating the camera, I feel like its where I belong.

It just feels right to be sitting there, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times.

If we get to play with new toys for class every week, then i'll be a very happy student.